Trinity taking long time?

Hi, I’m running a paired-end de Novo assembly with Trinity. Inputs are 2 fastq (7 gb each) for forward and reverse ends, with 31 million reads of same long.
The Trinity step in my history started running a few more than 48 hs ago. Is this too long? May I clean an rerun?
History link:

Thanks in advance.

Trinity uses a lot of resources and usually runs for very a long time. So, nothing unusual here.


Thanks you, it is my first time using the platform and the tool, good to know that info!

Hi Alexander? How long did your Trinity run in the end? I am also new so I would like to have an idea of how it works. my Trinity has been running for 4 weeks and then it crashed but I used much more samples (approx 42GB).

Hey! Can u share how you finally got the assembly done?? I uploaded around 38GB data (48 paired-end sequences). Its been running over 4 days now but no results yet.

Hi @Ash_K and @lada_irb, with just 14 GB it crashed. I used a server provided by the institute I work on.