updating eggnog software and database

I notice, on every Galaxy server I checked, that they use v2.1.8 of eggnog-mapper and v5 of the database, e.g. usegalaxy.eu uses:

eggnog database 5.0.2

But eggnog has updates for both since a few years ago, to
eggnog-mapper v.2.1.12 and database v.6.0:
#GitHub - eggnogdb/eggnog-mapper: Fast genome-wide functional annotation through orthology assignment

Can these be offered on the Galaxy servers?

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Welcome, @krabapple

The Galaxy wrapper around the tool would need to be updated. Once done, the updates usually flow directly out to the public servers so we don’t need to specifically request that part.

I’ve made the core request here at the wrapper developer’s repository (galaxyp team). Please feel free to add more comments or details, I mostly just linked that back here since you were already so clear.

Thanks! :hammer_and_wrench: