Uploading histories

I’m having issues with uploading histories that are files. It gets frozen every time I try… help!

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I’m encountering this as well on usegalaxy.eu fwiw. I can import from a URL, but not from a local file.

Hello @simonbray @Wendi_B

The Galaxy EU https://usegalaxy.eu server is currently up https://galaxyproject.statuspage.io/

That said, the server may be busy or this particular functionality may have known issues.

ping for the administrators: @bjoern.gruening @wm75

I don’t want to spend too much time investigating this, but it seems to be occurring on usegalaxy.org as well.

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thanks @simonbray

My guess is that the servers (or internet connections in general!) are simply very busy with so many more people working and studying online, often now from home, but I’ll follow up with some testing and open a ticket if it seems to be a problem rooted in the latest Galaxy release itself (20.01). Will link that back for tracking if a problem is uncovered.

And for end-users, a few workarounds:

  1. Place your history archive at a publically accessible location and load by URL.
  2. Upload individual datasets. History archives can be uncompressed. Your data will be inside. Use FTP to Upload data in batch: Loading Data
  3. If the goal is only to review prior work, a local Galaxy server can be easily set up. Example step-by-step for a basic local Galaxy install with an admin account created
  4. If the goal is to continue work, and public servers seem to be too busy for your needs, the Galaxy Cloudman server option was recently updated. AWS offers grants for computational and storage needs for research and study purposes (Galaxy itself is always free). https://galaxyproject.org/use/


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Loading a small history archive up to usegalaxy.eu worked for me today (as did loading from a URL). It did take some time to populate and show up in a refreshed User > History listing. The test for usegalaxy.org is still running.

So, the basic functionality is intact. It may just be that connections are more easily interrupted when larger archive transfers are attempted from slower connections or I happened to hit a time when the server itself was not as busy.

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And just while writing the update two archive test uploads at usegalaxy.org went through. So, the basic functionality is working at both servers.

Some patience may be needed. The user interface does not give as much information about archive loading as it could – and that is a known area that needs some improvement.

The best options are to 1) start a history archive upload and give it time to complete, or 2) load datasets via FTP. The latter does not rely on routing the upload data transfer through a web browser and provides transfer status metrics from the client.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks a lot for testing this @jennaj!

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