why I dont have the NGS Tools in my usegalaxy instance

why I dont have the NGS Tools in my usegalaxy instance

@nafati what do you mean by your usegalaxy instance? Which Galaxy instance are you using?

Good evening,

I mean in my usegalaxy.org.au account: the NGS tools are not listed in the menu on the left and therefore I do not have the = Generate Count Matrix tool.
PS .: See Attachment

I’m really not sure which tools are you referring to. There are hundreds of NGS tools :slightly_smiling_face:

But in general, the tools on usegalaxy.org.au, usegalaxy.eu or usegalaxy.org are not identical (yet). We try to keep the tools in sync but it can be that a few are missing. However, I assume that most NGS servers are available on all those servers.


Thank you very much for your quick response.

so, how can we do to have this tool (NGS tools) under windows 10 platform : Generate A Count matrix.
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Docteur et Ingénieur de Recherche.
Responsable de la Bio informatique de l’unité -1203-INSERM.
Correspondant Informatique avec la DRSI INSERM Montpellier.
04 67 33 04 85


Hi @nafati,

please take some time and formulate a proper question. What do you want to do? Which tools you want to do, and what has Windows 10 to do with this? Do you want to deploy a local Galaxy instance on your own computer?


Yes I want to have gal

Yes I want to have Galaxy instance on my own computer