Align.seqs not running

Hello, I am trying to analyze my 16S V3V4 sequences but the align.seqs command is not running. It has been a whole day now for it waiting to run. I tried running it again and it displayed another message “this is a new dataset and not all its data are available”.
I am using the silva 132.
Any advice would be appreciated,

Welcome, @SmG

Please leave your job queued, and avoid rerunning to avoid entering the queue at the end again.

If you are in a rush, you can also try at a different public Galaxy server to see what happens. Each is busy at different times of different days.

More details → Job execution timing and computational resources: any tool, any public Galaxy server - #2 by jennaj

Thank you for your answer.
Ok I will leave it and wait.

Hi @SmG

Hopefully your run has completed by now, yes?

It turns out there was a small cluster issue for this tool specifically that is now fixed up. Thanks for reporting the problem so we could fix it! :beetle: