Bugs in Galaxy 24.2.3


after upgrading from Galaxy 24.1.3 to 24.2.3 I experience the following bugs:

  • The tool search does not return any results
  • The import in a tool of a library item via that […] button does not work anymore. Import directly from the library to a history is functional.



Hi @casio

This was a development branch when you pulled it, yes? You might just need to pull it again now (dev work is now pointed to 24.2.4).

If these do turn out to be persistent, you can open issue tickets here with the details → GitHub · Where software is built and someone will take a look. Maybe something was unintentionally changed!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

XRef → Gemini database installation crash - #7 by casio

Hi @jennaj

no, it was not a development branch. 24.2.3 was officially released yesterday. Since I always want a stable version, I only work with the official releases, never with the development version.

I fear I have to wait for the official 24.2.4 release and see if it is gone there.



Hi @casio

You can open the ticket now if you want. The same issue list I linked is for every release/dev branch all in one. If you include the details in the ticket, we can help to get it tagged correctly.

What you noticed are items that the developers are likely not checking, so it would be great to flush out any problems now, instead of maybe catching them when the next release is cut and goes through detailed testing. Maybe we need a new automatic check? We can make one, that sort of thing.

We had a problem with this base release 24.2 where the tool panel was caching indefinitely, and that made it look like the search would never complete. I’m wondering if that is what you also ran into? If this is back, or only showing up in some environments and not others, we will definitely want to revisit the fix we originally made.

Find that here if curious, and you can reference it in your ticket if it seems related (or state that it doesn’t look related, since that one is still fresh in everyone’s mind and mentioning it will speed up the review). → Toolbox stuck in `Loading Toolbox` · Issue #19422 · galaxyproject/galaxy · GitHub

Then, the second part of your bug about the import of a tool – that could be related functionally (it is another “search” type of function). You can combine these in the same ticket it seems? But you decide – two issues is fine, too.

Thanks for the help reporting issues! Very helpful!

In case the developers read here: It seems to work on Chrome, but not on Firefox or Brave.

Ok, that’s interesting, thanks for posting back the detail.