BUSCO running tool

why BUSCO is not running properly today ? When I try to run the BUSCO in galaxy.org it kept waiting and never running.


Do you mean that the job was queued? Has it run by now?

This mini-guide describes how the public servers queue and run jobs. Some of yours run, some of other people’s, more of yours, repeat until done. Using collections and workflows can speed this up dramatically.

Let us know how this turned out or if you are still waiting for some reason. The most common reason is that something went wrong with an upstream job. You might have to click into the collection to check if some jobs failed and some didn’t, and it might not be the tool immediately before, but a few steps earlier. You are welcome to share the job, too, for more specific feedback. How to share is in the banner of this forum, also here. → How to get faster help with your question

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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Thank you it ran after I tried several times

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Ok, glad you were able to get this working! :rocket:

In general, it is better to not stop-restart jobs since every time you do that, the job starts over at the very end of the queue again. If you cycle a job that way quick enough, the job may never get a chance to move up the queue far enough along to ever execute!

If you are curious about how many jobs these public servers are running, and which tools, the UseGalaxy.eu server posts the live job metrics from their homepage. Many many details including per-tool details at all job stages. How to find that is here → How to see the UseGalaxy.eu job queue statistics

The other UseGalaxy servers will look about the same. For example, the UseGalaxy.org server ran 25069 jobs in the last 24 hrs, and it can be much busier (2-4x as busy) at times!

My main point is that jobs are definitely processing and the best strategy is to get your jobs into the queue, then to allow those to process. If you are not using workflows yet, maybe consider that for future batch work since those queue a string of tools all the same time and can considerably speed things up! :slight_smile: