I uploaded some data and organised it into a collection but I noticed that I selected the wrong datatype. Is there a way to change the datatypes of all elements of a collection (and thus have the dataset collection’s type change)?
Note that this will only work for changing the datatype if there is an existing “convert” tool to do the transformation. Here is an example where I had to convert to from bed > csv > tabular – as a direct bed > tabular wasn’t available (Why? bed format is already within the scope of tabular format so there isn’t a specific convert operation for it). Galaxy | Accessible History | test collection datatype change
Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately that converts data between datatypes, as you said, using a converter tool. In the single-item dataset editor one can change the datatype without running a converter - so e.g. fastq.gz to fastqsanger.gz. So it seems that there still isn’t an option to do what I’m looking for (I uploaded some FASTQ data and it was auto-assigned to fastq.gz when the workflow I wanted to use required fastqsanger.gz). Seems that I’ll have to make a feature request…
Very clever!! That is directly assigning the datatype, which is what Peter wants to do as well.
I expect that the collection metadata editing functions will have the “Datatype” tab added. It is a popular enhancement request. Related tickets: 12725 && 8013