Database?? Human Genealogy

Is there a database on here or another one offsite that I can run human reads against human disease states???

Hi @Jon_Colman

Good question! Yes, you can use or import human references and run these domain’s analysis in Galaxy.

Genealogy domains (disease inheritance)

We have had people import their own SNP data. There is some fiddling with getting the data standardized to better fit public references (and detect what was originally done since the private companies obscure some of those details!) but data is data, and this seems possible. Without seeing the data you have I can’t say more specifically about this.

Disease domains (general)

For public data, these tutorials show some examples. → Variant Analysis / Tutorial List. Be sure to check at the top to learn which public servers support which tool groups. Example. → Hands-on: Exome sequencing data analysis for diagnosing a genetic disease / Exome sequencing data analysis for diagnosing a genetic disease / Variant Analysis

More is hosted at domain specific Galaxy servers. This is one example. → and you can search by keyword here for more choices. → Galaxy Platform Directory: Servers, Clouds, and Deployable Resources - Galaxy Community Hub

Maybe also explore some of the Galaxy scientific communities, too, to learn about current projects, and which servers these scientists are developing workflows at. → Special Interest Groups (SIG) - Galaxy Community Hub

Finally, searching the IWC workflows by keyword can be another door into learning about the available resources and the server’s that host them. → GTN Pan-Galactic Workflow Search

For protected data, you could explore the AnVIL version of Galaxy. It is a pay-for-use dedicated instance with customized protocols. Start here then follow the links for more details. → AnVIL - Galaxy Community Hub

Hope this helps and you can ask followup questions! :scientist: