I am trying to run a Diffbind analysis using previously-successful parameters and have submitted a series of “bug” reports over the last 4-5 days without a response-- figured it may be best to reach out here. My analyses are being performed under my .upenn account address [listed in my Account here; the email sign-in link isn’t working for that address, which is a separate issue].
At any rate, the error message for my analysis has consistently been, “This job was terminated because it used more memory than it was allocated”. I’m performing this run with n=3 for each condition. “narrowPeaks” .bed files and associated .bam files are the inputs.
I’ve previously run this analysis with n=4 inputs with no issues. Could you please advise?
Yes, posting questions here is how to get the fastest feedback.
I reviewed your jobs earlier today and wrote back.
Two important parts:
The first condition must be labeled as Condition (exactly and only – it is just how Bioconductor wrote the tool as far as I know!)
Put all of the peaks and BAM datasets into collections, and make sure these are in the same sort order so that the tool can “match up” a peak file with a BAM file.
This will mean a minimum of four collections for two conditions. You can create these using two collections of fasta files (then map, filter, call peaks) to start with or you can organize your uploaded data after. Keep the element identifiers very simple (or, adjust to be simple) or the tool will have a different sort of trouble.
Your input collections should look something like this. Notice how simple the names of the collection are. If the element identifiers were exacted, those labels are also very simple and in the same order between peak-bam sets. By “simple” I mean these are R friendly: Letters, numbers, no spaces, not starting with a number, optional underscores (the only special character allowed).
If you get stuck, you can share back a link to your history and we can use it as an example while I help you to get it organized in a way this tool can understand.
ps: The error message about “memory” can mean a job is actually too large to process at the public clusters, but that is somewhat rare. It is much more likely that a tool ran away due to problems with the inputs – content or labeling – so that is what we are exploring first. More about that catch-all error → FAQ: Understanding 'exceeds memory allocation' error messages
Hm-- on second view, I found one more potential issue-- original .bam files (added to each collection) have a period in their name (thus, not R friendly). I will correct and retry/report back!
The errors that look like this are a temporary problem we are investigating right now at UseGalaxy.org. Let’s get that resolved first so we can solve your runtime issues.
Do you mean these same steps, or a Galaxy workflow? You could share that with the history together if you wanted.
I’d really like to get this working for you. More feedback about this very soon.
Thanks so much-- I thought it was something I did that generated an error in the file(s). I removed my original CAE R2 history (files and all); is there, by chance, a way to get that back?
Regarding my previous work, apologies for the unclear language; I used these same steps with different samples (though those .bam files I filtered and prepped myself). I was able to get access to the account (which used my previous institution’s email address), and I’ve included a link to that history, below. It does look like I was lucky enough to have named the files appropriately. However, I named the conditions… whatever. Definitely not R friendly, or “Condition”, which is odd.
I’m trying to post the link to my older account, but keep getting a, “you cannot post a link to that host” error message. Perhaps because of the different login? I look forward to hearing back from you-- thanks again!
The server issue at UseGalaxy.org should be resolved now if you want to continue.
Was your other account at a different server? Or was this also at UseGalaxy.org?
You could extract a workflow from your prior history and use that anywhere else. Maybe there were extra steps that were missed.
For more about accounts at public servers, please see here. You can update the email address associated with an account if that is what you were trying to do?