Hi Dannon,
Thanks so much for your quick response!
I’m working through the Hopkins course on using Galaxy on Coursera. I’m attaching the transcript of the video instructions, which differ slightly from the Galaxy 101 tutorial on the galaxy web site.
To give you an idea of my experience using it, I get as far as the Galaxy Workflow Editor (Mac Safari)
VoiceOver command ctrl-option-f to find text on screen, enter name of workflow to get to the section of the page with the workflow displayed
VoiceOverCommand ctrl-option right arrow to go the next page element identified by Voice Over
VoiceOver tells me that my workflow name is a “group”
VoiceOver command ctrl-shift-option-down arrow to enter the group
An error beep tells me I can’t do that.
VoiceOver command ctrl-option-right arrow to go the next item VoiceOver identifies
It reads me the filename for the first file in the workflow.
Another ctrl-option-right arrow says “output”
Another ctrl-option-right arrow tells me “output” is a group, but again, when I try to enter the group (ctrl-shift-option down arrow) I get the error beep
Voiceover command ctrl-option-right arrow for the next item gives me the name of the second dataset in the workflow.
Then there is another bit of text that says “output” and behaves the same way as the previous one.
The point of the exercise is to rename these so they can be used with different data sets. I’ve gone back to the tile names and the “output” text elements and tried to interact with them (ctrl-shift-option down arrow) to edit them but have not been able to do so.
Going through the rest of the page doesn’t show me anything else that looks like a way to edit.
I hope this helps you to understand what i’m trying to access.
(Attachment galaxyWorkflow.txt is missing)