Hello. I’m trying to run fastp to trim my reads (quality and length). However, I received the following errors:
Fatal error: Exit code 137 ()
Detecting adapter sequence for read1…
/jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/55693473/tool_script.sh: line 23: 297687 Killed fastp --thread ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} --report_title ‘fastp report for fasta_conc_fastq.fastq’ -i ‘fasta_conc_fastq.fastq’ -o first.fastq
slurmstepd: error: Detected 1 oom-kill event(s) in StepId=1461577.batch. Some of your processes may have been killed by the cgroup out-of-memory handler.
I believe they are related to use of memory. Is there a way to increase memory? The file I’m using is 209,3 MB and I was using phred quality > 15 and length > 100pb.