Warning message:
In estimateDisp.default(y = y$counts, design = design, group = group, :
No residual df: setting dispersion to NA
Error in plotMDS.default(y, top = top, labels = labels, pch = pch, cex = cex, :
Only 2 columns of data: need at least
when I tried to run DEG by galaxy edgeR this error message shows up.
Transcript_ID MAL_Read_Count
NM_008515 1
NM_010399 10
NM_001004761 19
NM_001005864 15
Transcript_ID MAP_Read_Count
NM_008515 15
NM_010399 13
NM_001004761 12
NM_001005864 13
so I uploaded these two separate count files,
and for the factor, I used Genotype,
for the group 1, I used WT
for the group 2, I used MT
and for the contrast, I usded WT-MT
what is wrong with my input?