Error while exporting a history

I have several histories generated on a local instance of Galaxy (24.1) on Ubuntu 22.04.

When I try to export the history to a file, I keep getting the following error.

Wrong id ( c6ca0ddb55be603a093a875eea15764f6807a43cd522a142 ) specified, unable to decode.

The id in the brackets obviously changes depending on the history that I am trying to export.

Hi @Mehul_Vora

Very strange! I’ve cross-posted your question over to the Admin matrix chat to see if anyone recognizes what may be going wrong. They may reply here or there, and please feel free to join. You're invited to talk on Matrix

Let’s start there, and thanks for including the release and platform you are running! :slight_smile:

@Mehul_Vora can you tell us a bit about your Galaxy setup? Is celery running, I assume it is. Do you see anything relevant in the Galaxy or Celery logs?

Haven’t had any luck, but here is what I tried (code-based approach):

import codecs

  • decrypt isn’t documented to be able to throw Value Error
  • so maybe there is something corrupt in your Galaxy’s python install
  • or maybe unicodify(), or int() casting, or .lstrip() throws it?

Hi all - thank you so much for your help so far.

Before I post anything more, please understand that I am below nOOb level on anything that even looks like computer code.

In order to make life (hopefully) easier for you, please find the logs attached here. ( ).

There are three folders each containing the gunicorn, celery and celery-beat logs.

  1. Prior to Import - these are the logs prior to me running the ‘import history’ tool.

  2. After executing Import History - These are the logs that should have appended information after the ‘import history’ tool was initiated.

  3. Please note that as once I started the import and I navigated away from the page (to look at a different tool), there was a brief error message shown ‘Request aborted’ . I was not able to grab a screenshot before it went away.

  4. Attempt 2 - Executing import and let it run for 30 mins: In order to avoid the error above, I re-did the import history tool and let the computer remain on the page for 30 mins. This should have been sufficient time for the import to complete but nothing seemed to happen.

The main folder also contains the galaxy.yml and job_config.yml files (in case they are relevant).

Since Vlad mentioned about Python, I thought it prudent to mention the following:

When I run ‘python -V’ from the terminal, I get the following output ‘Python 3.12.2’.

However, Galaxy appears to run on Python 3.8 (atleast what I can tell from the logs). Is this an issue?

Hope this helps !

best regards

Hi Mehul.