I am trying to use the new tool ChewBBACA. I am unable to use the majority of functions. I have tried creating my own schema and using an external schema and seem to always get the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/tools/_conda/envs/mulled-v1-5528b78b7946700faeea31529d0d622524f44427ecb466a557fe05be5640acd6/bin/chewBBACA.py”, line 6, in
from CHEWBBACA.chewBBACA import main
File “/usr/local/tools/_conda/envs/mulled-v1-5528b78b7946700faeea31529d0d622524f44427ecb466a557fe05be5640acd6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/CHEWBBACA/chewBBACA.py”, line 21, in
from init import version
ImportError: cannot import name ‘version’ from ‘init’ (/opt/galaxy/server/lib/galaxy/jobs/rules/init.py)
Thank you for solving this issue. However i am now getting the following errors;
Could not get input files. Please provide a directory with FASTA files or a file with the list of full paths to the FASTA files and ensure that filenames end with one of the following extensions: [‘.fasta’, ‘.fna’, ‘.ffn’, ‘.fa’, ‘.fas’].
Would you please share a bit more about what you are doing? Screenshots or shared history will work for this, see the banner at this forum for how-to, or see How to get faster help with your question
The message you are getting is directly from the underlying tool. For use in Galaxy, you would input datasets with the datatype fasta assigned.
I’m initially trying to create a schema using 9 genome assemblies with the goal of ultimately using this schema to determine cgMLST’s . The assemblies are definitely in fasta. I Have tried by selecting multiple individual datasets and also as a collection.
Hi @jessemartin,
It seems that there is a problem with the input file(maybe with the upload). Could you please report the issue and also share your history?
I’m struggling with ChewBBaCa PrepExtrernalSchema tool of Galaxy (usegalaxy.eu).
I want to import into ChewBBaCa the Salmonella cgMLST schema from Enterobase.
The tool asks for a ZIP file as input with the following structure
“The schema directory contains the loci FASTA files and a folder named ‘short’ that contains the FASTA files with the loci representative alleles.”
Hi @nilchia I was never able to get any of the new ChewBBACA tools to work. Iv shared my histories with you on the off chance this could help with @Mike_KL issues.
Hi @jessemartin, Oh sorry to hear that. Please report your errors. We are always ready to help
Oh, I see. The problem is with the way that chewBBACA tries to read the FASTA files. I’ll fix that.
Thanks a lot for sharing your history.
Hello @jessemartin and @Mike_KL,
We have updated the tool and the problem should be solved by now. Would you please try again?
I have run the histories @jessemartin shared with me with the Chewbacca version: (Galaxy Version 3.3.3+galaxy2) and it passed.