Hello everyone,
I have set of genomic intervals of yeast that I was able to write in BED Format. I gave the build s288c S cerevisae for the bed. In tools of both getFastabed and extract genomic DNA ,I gave this bed file as input and for reference genome I gave the FASTA file of s288c S.cerevisae, which I downloaded from NCBI site.
The job is getting executed, but I am getting a file with 0 bytes. I have seen similiar problem in the community and tried to follow those steps, but no avail. I even tried trial and error to solve the problem but no avail.
I have referred to this thread to troubleshoot-Extract Genomic DNA won't work
I am attaching screenshots for your kind reference- ( a sample BED file and error)
I am not able to figure out where I am going wrong. Please help
Thank you