Extremely long waiting time for running a tool

Hello there!
I am a little bit concerned because I have been trying to run a fastqc on two collections of paired data sets since (USA time) 230am, and by 930am the jobs still had not even begun running.
Is there any problem that I am not aware of?
Thank you very much for your input.

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I experience similar problems. UK. Connected via https://usegalaxy.org/ (do not c any other details)

Hi all, UseGalaxy.eu admin here,

This is unfortunately a known issue. We have seen it for some time and are still investigating the issue. Hopefully we can find a solution in the next week or so.

We know and are monitoring the issue, but it is taking time to resolve. We keep metrics on the current state, whenever the graph in the top left goes quite high, this is bad, and upload jobs are quite slow, and all jobs take extra long to queue

Iā€™m sorry for the inconvenience