How to use annotateMyIDs or UniProt ID mapping and retrieval (Galaxy Version 0.2) to covert gene ID to gene Name

How to use annotateMyIDs or UniProt ID mapping and retrieval (Galaxy Version 0.2) to covert the refSeq gene ID to gene Name use Galaxy?
such as following refSeq gene ID:

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Still nobody reply my question, I have settled this problem by my self, I find the gene name of NM_001005508.2 and NM_001005508 are same, so I deleted “.” and the number following it, than I can use galaxy tool “annotateMyIDs” to get the other information (including gene name) of the gene IDs.

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Yes, that is usually the right path. Sometimes the IDs need to be reformatted (removing versions from accession like you did is pretty common).

Sorry didn’t get back to you! Has been a very busy few weeks.

BUT very glad to hear you worked this out. With these ID “lookup” tools, some playing around with the IDs and testing out different reference sources is needed. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, which is why I couldn’t give you an immediate reply at first. Sometimes the external source changes out from under us. Meant to test it first to make sure still working as expected, but looks like you did that and it is :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your reply.

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I’ll be quicker next time. You are now at the top of my “reply right now!” list :spiral_notepad:

Thank you.

Hi, I am working with maize RNA seq analysis in galaxy and i want to convert my reference gene ids to gene names. I have tried ‘annotatemyIDs’ tool but maize genome is not available there. I have reference sequence in my history, but how can i convert gene ids to gene names?
My input looks like thisgene