Job error "unknown userid" at June 15-16, 2022 -- Resolved, try a rerun

I’m trying to do alignment using trimmed, paired (by Trimmomatic) R1 and R2 fastq files. I’m using appropriate reference file (.fa). While executing the HISAT2 operation I’m getting the following error.
e[33mWARNING:e[0m Could not lookup the current user’s information: user: unknown userid 819800
e[31mFATAL: e[0m Couldn’t determine user account information: user: unknown userid 819800

I don’t understand what the issue is about. Please help me to solve this issue.

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Hi @atsathe

We communicated about this via email already, but for others reading:

This was a transient cluster error at that is now corrected. Any jobs that failed with this error should be rerun.


e[33mWARNING:e[0m Could not lookup the current user’s information: user: unknown userid 819800

Having the same issue

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Hi @Partha_pr_roy

We had a few server side issues over the weekend.

Server connection issues are resolved. Please try a rerun for any job failures.

Server status:

Thanks for reporting the problem!