Jupyter notebook queues endlessly without ever starting

Hi all,

It seems that on usegalaxy.org, when I try to start up a Jupyter notebook the job never begins. I queued it yesterday and it still has not started today, almost 24 hours later. Is there any way I could get help with this? Based on https://status.galaxyproject.org/ there does not appear to be a server outage on galaxy main.

Thanks for any help!

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Hi @nhp123

I’m checking – will post back more soon.

Update: The problem is on our side at UseGalaxy.org. We’ll be working on the correction.

You don’t need to wait. UseGalaxy.eu and UseGalaxy.org.au also host the tool, and having one account at each server is super helpful for situations like this :slight_smile:

Thanks for reporting the problem!

Hi @nhp123

Well, that fix went quickly! Please try again now and thanks for letting us know about the problem.

I am running into the same issue since yesterday across servers. Has the problem come up again?

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Hi @Kashish_Kumar

I’m not sure which server you are using, but this environment is working for me at UseGalaxy.org as of now. Maybe try again and let us know how that works out?