Hello, I am investigating tools for structural variant screening of illumina sequencing data sets in fungi. I tested Manta, and it “runs” but the first attempt produced a config file, and nothing else (such as the set of VCF 4.1 files mentioned as output). I tried switching versions of the software, and the second produced nothing at all, and the screen upon submission listed no files generated. I’m using a BWA-MEM2 .bam file as input as ‘normal’, and a reference genome .fasta, intending to have the program build an index.
am I meant to use the contig file for a local downloaded instance of manta? Are the VCF files just not being generated?
Thanks for any help on this.
config file was as below. >
This section contains all configuration settings for the top-level manta workflow,
referenceFasta = /illumina/development/Isis/Genomes/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa
Run discovery and candidate reporting for all SVs/indels at or above this size
Separate option (to provide different default) used for runs in RNA-mode
minCandidateVariantSize = 8
rnaMinCandidateVariantSize = 1000Remove all edges from the graph unless they’re supported by this many ‘observations’.
Note that one supporting read pair or split read usually equals one observation, but evidence is sometimes downweighted.
minEdgeObservations = 3
If both nodes of an edge have an edge count higher than this, then skip evaluation of the edge.
Set to 0 to turn this filtration off
graphNodeMaxEdgeCount = 10
Run discovery and candidate reporting for all SVs/indels with at least this
many spanning support observations
minCandidateSpanningCount = 3
After candidate identification, only score and report SVs/indels at or above this size:
minScoredVariantSize = 50
minimum VCF “QUAL” score for a variant to be included in the diploid vcf:
minDiploidVariantScore = 10
VCF “QUAL” score below which a variant is marked as filtered in the diploid vcf:
minPassDiploidVariantScore = 20
minimum genotype quality score below which single samples are filtered for a variant in the diploid vcf:
minPassDiploidGTScore = 15
somatic quality scores below this level are not included in the somatic vcf:
minSomaticScore = 10
somatic quality scores below this level are filtered in the somatic vcf:
minPassSomaticScore = 30
Remote read retrieval is used ot improve the assembly of putative insertions by retrieving any mate reads in remote
locations with poor mapping quality, which pair to confidently mapping reads near the insertion locus. These reads
can help to fully assemble longer insertions, under certain circumstances this feature can add a very large runtime
burden. For instance, given the very high chimeric pair rates found in degraded FFPE samples, the runtime of the read
retrieval process can be unpredicable. For this reason the feature is disabled by default for somatic variant calling.
This feature can be enabled/disabled separately for germline and cancer calling below.
Here “CancerCallingModes” includes tumor-normal subtraction and tumor-only calling. “GermlineCallingModes” includes
all other calling modes.
enableRemoteReadRetrievalForInsertionsInGermlineCallingModes = 1
enableRemoteReadRetrievalForInsertionsInCancerCallingModes = 0Set if an overlapping read pair will be considered as evidence
Set to 0 to skip overlapping read pairs
useOverlapPairEvidence = 0"