I have installed Galaxy Local on my iMac and have been exploring the Phylogenetics Training Tutorial. When I completed the tutorial on the usegalaxy.org server, it took me around 15-20 minutes at most.
However, when I installed all the required tools on my locally installed Galaxy instance and repeated the tutorial, the process took significantly longer, especially for generating a Neighbor-Joining tree with FastTree where it is taking hours to complete and still shows in progress. [Image attached]
Am I missing something in the setup or configuration? This is my first time using Galaxy Local, so I’m wondering if there’s an optimization step I’ve overlooked.
In addition to @jennaj very comprehensive answer, I can only add that Galaxy Admins can configure all tools to have certain amounts of memory and CPUs and other resources. This can speed up significantly processing of some tools/workflows, but is highly dependent on the resources available to you.