PlantTribes - GeneFamilyClassifier not working


I’m having trouble running the GeneFamilyClassifier tool on the main galaxy server. I have no problem running the command line version of this tool.

Here is what I see. I can’t even find what the problem is…

Screen Shot 2022-10-27 at 2.23.24 PM

Any help is appreciated.


I’m trying to run this tool again, and the it has been queued for an hour…

This is the job information from my last attempt in October

This is the job information from my attempt today.

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Hi @Huiting120

Would you please send in a bug report from the most recent error? Thanks!

Hi @jennaj

Thanks! Where can I find the bug report?

Click on the ladybug icon at the bottom of a red error dataset. You can add a link to this topic for context in the free comment section.

I do not see the ladybug icon when I opened the red error dataset.
Screen Shot 2023-03-09 at 12.01.18 PM

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Ah, ok. I missed that. It is a collection without any outputs, so no individual datasets or bug icons.

The other option is to generate and post back a history share link. Please leave all inputs and outputs undeleted. Sharing your History

Here is a link to the history: Galaxy
For the two latest errors (boxes 17 and 18), the input data is in box 16. Box 17 was run in Oct 2022 and Box 18 was ran this week.

Thank you very much!

Ok, thanks. I’ve updated an issue ticket here with the information from this tool and the error messages: Fix dependency for plant_tribes_kaks_analysis · Issue #535 · galaxyproject/usegalaxy-tools · GitHub

The other tool in that ticket appears to be working Ok, but theoretically has an update pending.

This fix won’t be immediate. Please follow that ticket for updates. Even if we split it off, all will be linked together. You can unshare your history now.

thank you for your help!