Problem with IGB with galaxy

I did chip seq analysis in Galaxy but when was trying to load Narrow peaks in my IGB desktop it does not work

Can anyone help me?

Hi @Anas_Jamshed
Do you mean there is no link to IGB and other browsers? If yes, check There is no "Display at UCSC browser main" option on my dataset
Kind regards,

My problem is this:

There is no bar showing on igb when I upload my narrow peaks file. I tried a lot of times but no response

Hi @Anas_Jamshed
I am not familiar with IGB. I tried it today but download of 3 Gb of reference data was too slow at home network.
I assume IGB has similar functionality to other browsers. Can you check status of the uploaded track? On some browsers, like JBrowse, custom track data is not visible by default, users have ‘to tick a box’ to see the data. Maybe click on name of the custom (uploaded) track at the top left corner or check Available data - configure section.
Have you checked a position where the data is available?
It seems your track has been connected to the browser, so it might be IGB use/configuration question.
Maybe try it on other browsers, such as UCSC Main.
Kind regards,