Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed with SnpEff Custom Database Creation

Hi @Muhammad_Rizwan

You are posting to a public forum… just wanted to make sure that you knew that :slight_smile:

Maybe ask one of your colleagues to share a workflow generated from their history with the successful database creation? And their starting data in a shared history so you can compare your data with theirs? I would try running that workflow on their data to see what settings they used and how it results, then try to do the same on your own data.

We don’t have a specific tutorial for this since how the tool works in Galaxy is the same as for the command-line version. That means the author resources are the help. Technically, Galaxy creates a sort of mini-database with the output but those are not exposed to users.

Some tips:

  1. Use properly formatted reference data as the source
  2. Review the help on the tool form, and the link outs to the author resources
  3. Be careful about how you are adding labels on the tool form. The database name should be all oneWord and not starting with a number. If you run the tool several times, use a distinct database name for each run to avoid clashes. I tend to just number them as I change my mind about the parameters: species1, species2, speciesN.

None of this is related to an account, and I created a database at last week that worked fine. So, please give this another try. If you need more help, you’ll need to share more details. The banner on this forum explains how to share your work. If the server URL is not included in what you post, please specify that directly.

Let’s start there :slight_smile:

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XREF: Regarding SNP eff