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Hi @Shweta.203;
there are multiple ways to remove unwanted lineages from the data.
But I am not sure if we have a very simple Galaxy tool available.
But I will look into adding one. For now you could use:
(a) the interactive phyloseq tool in Galaxy and apply a filter based on Kingdom and only choose Bacteria. See example figure
(b) If you actually need the phyloseq object, you could filter in R with:
# Load the phyloseq package
# Assume `physeq` is your phyloseq object
# Check the taxonomy table to identify the rank "Family"
# Filter to keep only taxa where Family is "Bacteria"
physeq_bacteria <- prune_taxa(tax_table(physeq)[, "Family"] == "Bacteria", physeq)
# Check the resulting object
You could do this in the interactive tool R-studio.
(c) You can also use the ampvis2 tool, it also supports filtering, you can then use ampvis2 for plotting, but cannot export the filtered object - need to add this tool as well.