Update 3/15/2022
The Biobakery Lab that hosts this Galaxy server wrote back that the Upload
functionality at the server is now functional. Please try now. Thanks!
Hi all,
It sounds like most of you are working at this public Galaxy server: http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/galaxy/
A different version of Lefse
is available as an alternative at: UseGalaxy.eu, UseGalaxy.org, and UseGalaxy.org.au.
If you need to work at the Huttenhower public Galaxy server, please know that server’s administrators do not track this forum. We can sometimes help with tool errors and related issues, but it does seem that the Upload tool is non-functional from my testing, and we cannot correct it or give any status here.
The administrators of that server will need to be contacted directly about the problems with the Upload tool at that server. Contact details are below, and if anyone gets an update, please feel free to post it back to this thread. I didn’t find any notifications on their Galaxy server or at their forum.
General info: