Status December 9 2024

Hi Jennifer,
Is the up and running? I saw a notice that it was down earlier, but up and working normally. Yet, I can’t get anything to run?

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Hi @mycojon

The message on the server about the unexpected job delays have cleared now, so Upload is working as expected, and other tools should also process as normal. There was a bit of an “extra” queue but that mostly cleared out about 6 hours ago now.

What isn’t running for you? I just tested Upload again and it seems fine. Workflows are scheduling, other jobs are running too. But maybe there is something specific that is not working as it should. You can explain a bit more and I can check. :slight_smile:

Hi Jennifer,
Nothing appears to be working. I do have a Spades running since yesterday.
I have several FASTQC that I started on 3 sets nothing has started yet. I had uploaded a reference genome earlier, it shows only Gray.

On Galaxy Eu Neither Spades or Kraken2 have been working for me, but other functions seems to be working.

Here is one of them on, I only am waiting on FASTQC for this one.

Here is my uploaded genome that’s not processing yet.

I am having the same issue, and my students are as well. They are trying to upload fastq files for alignment for a final course project, but no uploads are progressing. I tested myself and have the same problem. I even submitted a small tabular file for upload, but that remains waiting to be run also. Can you please provide an estimate when this might be resolved?

Hi @mycojon

Thanks for sharing the examples, I’m reviewing. More soon!


We had a job throttle applied that was Ok to remove now. Queued jobs (gray datasets) will resume automatically, so you shouldn’t need to do anything special. Any jobs that do happen to fail can be rerun.

@mycojon please check those two histories now, and any others you had with queued job. The Upload job completed, and the FastQC jobs are running.

Then @amsmith please also check your histories or your student’s histories. The technical adjustment we made should benefit everyone.

Thanks for reporting the problem! :rocket:

Thank you! It seems resolved on our end too!

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