DESeq2 job paused and cannot be resumed - Input dataset 'xxx' failed to properly set metadata

I downloaded htseq count files from TCGA database, the format is text file gz compressed. I uploaded the files into galaxy as tabular.gz files. I set all the genome build to hg38. I then tried to run DESeq2, but the program will pause and cannot be resumed. Then when I click onto the job on the history panel, it will show message:
Input dataset ‘TCGA_3489M.htseq.counts uncompressed’ failed to properly set metadata, Input dataset etc etc.

I actually tried running a few files as a trial run (3 files for each factor) and the results came out. But when I run on all the data, the job becomes paused again. I have already purged most of my unwanted history and datasets and my usage is current 34% yesterday, so I don’t think it is high usage causing the problem.

I have checked the metadata of the file but I don’t know what is wrong with it.


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Hello @millielam

This appears to be related to a server-side problem that was resolved about an hour ago. Please rerun this job and any others that failed over the last two days.

Should the rerun fail, the error message will likely be different. Double-checking your inputs is how to start troubleshooting. Maybe uncompress, then use that as an input?
Galaxy Support - Galaxy Community Hub >> Extended Help for Differential Expression Analysis Tools

Thank you for reporting the problem and our apologies for the confusion.

Thanks a lot Jennifer! I have uncompressed and uploaded the htseq-count files. The DESeq2 seems to be running fine, will wait for the results to come. :smiley:

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