Error with Bowtie2 tool


I was using Bowtie 2 tool, for some of my input the tool run but for some other the tool stop because of an error. This is weird because I ever used that tool with those input and everything was good.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


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Hi – It looks like the original jobs ran out of resources during execution.

Since then you have run the original public fastq data through QA steps and the Bowtie2 jobs are now successful.

I didn’t review your QA methods, but if you want to compare to what we include in our tutorials, we have one that covers general QA and many others that include analysis-specific QA.

Tutorials designed for the Galaxy Main server are at the top here: Learn & Teach Galaxy - Galaxy Community Hub

  • Start here: NGS logistics - this is an introduction to Galaxy’s functionality for the analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data.

More tutorials from the community, including those from the Galaxy Training Network (GTN), are further down that same learn page.

More about GTN tutorials: