Faster download FASTQ from NCBI SRA_ERROR

Hi there
I was downloading fastq files straight from SRA using Faster download and extract reads in FASTQ format from NCBI SRA but there was an error.
Could anyone let me know what went wrong?

link to my history :point_right:Galaxy

I repeated the process with a subset (n=4) and worked

Ok, glad that worked @jpjviro

Sometimes NCBI gets busy, and that impacts everyone (not just people working in Galaxy). It is one of the examples in our guide here → Getting Data into Galaxy

That said, I think your problem in the first example in your shared history is something different. Notice how some accessions do not have a comma between them.

Using a list of accessions, one per line, in a separate file is usually “better” if you want to try that with your next large batch. :scientist:

:+1: Thanks!!!

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