Galaxy local not uploading files

Hi everyone,
I installed the latest Galaxy version (24.1) on a remote VM with Linux ubuntu 5.15.0-124-generic.
I tested a couple of tools and they are working, but when I need to upload a file from my PC (txt files of 3kb) the download is stucked at 0% without raising any error in the terminal.
I tried to restart the process several times but I always get the same issue.
How can I solve that?
Thank you for the help

Hi @Andrea_Furlani

Are you using our tutorials to set up the server? Or is everything just at defaults? As a pure guess I’m wondering about permissions between your desktop, that file and the server.

Have you tried other Upload methods? If those work/don’t it might be another clue. And finally, do you have any job logs you can share (redact anything sensitive please! this forum is public)

Then the other option is to try the Docker Galaxy image. This has all of the basic configuration set up already for you, and has a separate dedicated README for common custom configuration changes. This was just updated.


Let’s start there, thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello and thank you for the reply.
Yes I used the tutorials to install it, in fact I have another instance that is running fine on my own PC (with MacOS). The file has no restrictions, and same for all Galaxy folders on my virtual machine.
I tried other upload methods:

  • Uploading directly any file of any size doesn’t work, in terminal everything seems fine:

uvicorn.access INFO 2025-02-03 12:40:29,095 [pN:main.1,p:67283,tN:MainThread] x.x.x.x:54682 - "POST /galaxy/api/upload/resumable_upload/ HTTP/1.1" 201

  • Paste/Fetch Data works if I use an url as input, if I directly put there the data it stills get blocked at 0%

HI @Andrea_Furlani

To make sure I understand so far

  • You have a server and loading data by URL works but browsing that same file locally does not.
  • That can be a very large file or a very small local file, same result.
  • Your OS is Linux ubuntu 5.15.0-124-generic
  • You are following the admin training tutorials
  • You have another server set up on a different computer, and Upload is working there.

Since this seems to be a technical problem with an API call, my questions would then be

Thanks! :slight_smile: