I have used DESeq2 to identify DEGs. What I would like to do next, is to generate a heatmap (via the heatmap2 tool), where I should show those DEGs (cut off: p<00,5 & -1<Log2(FC)>1), presented as z-scores. From a GALAXY tutorial that I have found (Hands-on: Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis / Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis / Transcriptomics), I understood that I cannot use directly the rLog2 Normalized counts
file that the DESeq2 produces, but instead I should follow a process (not so clear to me, as it is presented in this tutorial), in order to create another file that I can then use it as input to the Heatmap2 tool in order to produce the heatmap that I`m wishing, with the z-scores of the DEGs.
Could you please help me to understand what type of file should I use, as input, in the Heatmap2 tool in order to produce a heatmap with DEG, presenting as z-scores? Will it be ok if I use the rLog-Normalized counts
from DEseq directly? If not, then what kind of file should I use, and how can I produce it (process, tools, inputs).
I would highly appreciate any help,