Hi there! Did not analyze my WGS data for a while, and now TB-Profiler tool is not working anymore. I have checked everything, and it still shows, that there is an error:
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pathogenprofiler/utils.py”, line 404, in run_cmd
raise ValueError(“Command Failed:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s” % (cmd,stderr.decode()))
ValueError: Command Failed:
set -u pipefail; bcftools view -c 1 -a ./05d2bde0-cb67-40ec-a289-8743bf449a96.targets.vcf.gz | bcftools norm -m - | bcftools view -v snps | combine_vcf_variants.py --ref /usr/local/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.fasta --gff /usr/local/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.gff | snpEff ann -dataDir /usr/local/share/snpeff-5.1-2/data -noLog -noStats Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_h37rv - | bcftools sort -Oz -o /corral4/main/jobs/051/330/51330202/working/cf5d8a88-3ebe-4bc4-a0b2-5018d4f00764.vcf.gz && bcftools index /corral4/main/jobs/051/330/51330202/working/cf5d8a88-3ebe-4bc4-a0b2-5018d4f00764.vcf.gz
Lines total/split/realigned/skipped: 75/0/0/0
mkdtemp(/tmp/bcftools-sort.EHVcTP) failed: Read-only file system
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/corral4/main/jobs/051/330/51330202/_job_tmp -Xmx28g -Xms256m
Cleaning up after failed run
I will be extremely grateful for an advice.