Tutorials, tools, and custom reference genomes

What Galaxy instance has Tuberculosis WGS new tools from the ToolShed and how to install them on the EU Instance?

Need tools like:
|galru|Long read spoligotyping for Mycobacterium tuberculosis|Unrestricted|1 (2020-06-02)|thanhlv|
|galru_deprecated|Long read spoligotyping for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.|Unrestricted||thanhlv|
|lorikeet_spoligotype|Tools for M. tuberculosis DNA fingerprinting (spoligotyping)|Unrestricted||iuc|
|tbprofiler|Processes M. tuberculosis sequence data to infer strain type and identify known drug resistance markers.|Unrestricted||iuc|
|tb_variant_filter|M. tuberculosis H37Rv VCF filter|Unrestricted||iuc|
|tbvcfreport|Generate HTML report from SnpEff M.tuberculosis VCF(s)|Unrestricted||iuc|

Hi @player_777

Maybe you missed the prior reply? Adding new Reference genomes to the DeepVariant deep learning-based variant caller - #2 by jennaj

There are more organism-specific tutorials, and each include direct links to the supported tools at UseGalaxy.eu, along with workflows. Below is an example search, but you can also navigate by analysis domain.