I see both tools at UseGalaxy.org today:
One with the option for trimming overhanging coordinates (the version that is best to use after MACS2) → https://usegalaxy.org/root?tool_id=toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/ucsc_wigtobigwig/ucsc_wigtobigwig/447+galaxy0
And one with the direct conversion (can produce errors with sensitive downstream tools, if the data is from MACS2) → https://usegalaxy.org/root?tool_id=CONVERTER_bedgraph_to_bigwig
And for the error about the memory allocation – I can’t remember if you sent something in? Did you include a link to this topic? That will help me to associate the two. If you want to send that in again, I’ll review again
Hope this helps!