Bedgraph to Bigwig converter

Hello there,

I am an amateur user of Galaxy and have been trying to convert a bedgraph file generated from the Methyldackel tool into a bigwig format for visualisation using the Wig/Bedgraph - to - Bigwig converter tool. I am receiving this error message -
“Unrecognized line 1 of stdin:
chr1 3000826 3000828 80 4 1”

Can you please tell me what is wrong and how I can solve it?


Hi @srinivasa_abishek,
could you share your Galaxy history with me? I’ll have a look at it. My email is
Screenshot from 2022-04-03 16-52-09


Hello Gallardo,

Thanks for replying.

I have shared the history with you. Kindly check if you are able to access it.

With regards,

Hello @gallardoalba ,

Did you have a chance to look into this problem?


HI @srinivasa_abishek,
sorry, I wasn’t able to fix it yet. I’ll try to work on it throughout the week.


Hi @srinivasa_abishek,
the problem was that the converter requires a BedGraph with only four columns; so you in your case you need to generate three different bedgraph files, one for each track.

Test history: Galaxy | Accessible History | imported: MIWI2 WGBS_abi

Sorry for the late solution, regards!

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