Unable to upload .txt data

I cannot upload my metadata file (.txt). I tried several time with different encoding and it’s not working. Is there a specific reason that can explain this problem ?

Hi Fiona,

which Galaxy server are you using? Do you get any error message that you can share with us?


Hello Bjoern,

I’m using the galaxy.fr server. I don’t have any error, only the data uploading since friday, meanwhile usually it’s only few seconds to upload. Here is the link of my workflow : Galaxy | France

Sorry if my answer are vague, I’m quit new on this metabolomic thing

Thank you for your help

Good morning @FionaLeroy!

@lecorguille @abretaud are admins from usegalaxy.fr, I’m sure they can help you.


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Hi @FionaLeroy ,

No panic but I have the same issue :stuck_out_tongue:
Back to business, we will try to figure out why the upload is broken since a couple of week.

BTW, Happy new year !

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We “restart” usegalaxy.fr, it seems to have solve the issue, at least temporaly.

In the meantime, we’re investigating.

Note that, the previous upload aren’t catched up. You need to re-import your data.

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Thank you so much for your help !
