Uploading and processing data created by other programs

I would like to start off by mentioning that I am incredibly new to Galaxy so bear with me.
I recently started working on an ongoing project and decided to use Galaxy. The previous person was using CLC Workbench and all the data I have received from them is in a .clc format. I tried uploading that to my local Galaxy server. The files were successfully uploaded, but are recognized as binary files and I am unable to process them in any way. What data type should I convert this data into?
The data is DNA and RNA sequences collected, paired and trimmed from multiple species. Please let me know if you need any further clarification about the data, software or hardware I am using.
Thank you in advance!


This sounds like fasta or fastq. And I guess that you need clc to convert it. I came across this page: CLC Manuals - clcsupport.com