Very long running time for RepeatMasker?


I am a new user on I have set up a run for RepeatMasker of my (large, 2.5G) de novo genome assembly. After a few days, it’s still running. Is it normal, or should I have turned on some parameters such as only rodent specific repeat, or skip bacteria insert, etc to make process much quicker? I had no idea what the results would look like, so I chose the default setting. Thanks!

Hi @daikez,
we have increased the assigned cores for RepeatMasker; please repeat the analysis in a few hours.


Thanks for the answer. But when I have stopped the previous ones and re-start a new analysis, the server won’t let the job throgh.

Hi @daikez,
could you send an error report (bug icon)?


Maybe I should try rodent instead?

Did it work before?

The “rat” option is new today, I ran the previous one with “rodent”.

I’m working to fix that, please use rodent meanwhile.


@gallardoalba fixed it and we just updated the version with the new Rat option. Please try again in 12h.

Thanks! :+1: