I’m trying to use the Batch_correction tool in UseGalaxy Australia, but it has failed multiple times. When I checked the error message, I found the following:
Tool generated the following standard error:
/mnt/scratch/job_working_directory/010/926/10926496/tool_script.sh: line 77: Rscript: command not found
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this?
First, please try at least one rerun now since that error can happen by chance and sometimes those clump together if there is a bad cluster node.
If the job fails again, you can share your history with the error, and we can help more here. How to share is in the banner topic of this forum, also here. → How to get faster help with your question
Can you please report the failed job on Galaxy Australia using the following procedure:
click at any output of the failed job
click at Error icon, the one looking like a ladybug
(optional) provide a brief description of issue in the middle window)
hit Report