blobtoolkit; error in the snail plot


I used a blobtoolkit (container ID blobtoolkit:4.3.11) to generate a snail plot of a genome assembly with a busco “full table” (generated within the galaxy) added to the blobtoolkit dataset.
The value for the missing genes shown in the snail plot is not the same as the one generated by busco, and it seems to correspond to the sum of fragmented and missing genes, instead of only missing.
All the other values (complete, duplicated, fragmented) are displayed correctly.

Thanks in advance for the help!


Welcome @magdalenagrgic

Would you like to share a link to the history with the data, then also capture some screenshots describing the problem? We could troubleshoot with that information and maybe explain what is going on, or suggest a data/parameter change, or even diagnose and report a bug as needed.

How to share is in the banner of this forum, also here → How to get faster help with your question

Let’s start there, thanks! :slight_smile: