Building a SMALL index Error: Reference sequence has more than 2^32-1 characters! Please build a large index by passing the –large-index option to bowtie2-build Error: Encountered internal Bowtie 2 exception (#1)
*Command: /home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/database/dependencies/_conda/envs/__bowtie2@2.4.4/bin/bowtie2-build-s --wrapper basic-0 --threads 80 /home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/database/objects/b/1/1/dataset_b11d4bf4-6411-4bae-b0d0-039405fb0c3a_files/Garlic_genome.SPLIT.fa Galrlic_V1_split * Deleting “Galrlic_V1_split.3.bt2” file written during aborted indexing attempt. Deleting “Galrlic_V1_split.4.bt2” file written during aborted indexing attempt. Error building index.
Great that you found this! We need people to help with expanding the data manager’s scope in a few places, so any help with this one is welcomed. Please consider posting an issue ticket to the development repository, and even suggesting changes in a PR if you want. The original authors, or the IUC, will work with you on this.
How to find where to propose changes (any tool, not just this one): tool form → Options → See in Toolshed → link to Dev repo.