Bowtie2 tool error

I run the bowtie2 to map reads against reference genome,It’s show:

The server could not complete the request. Please contact the Galaxy Team if this error persists. Uncaught exception in exposed API method:

“history_id”: “87610437856c28e6”,
“tool_id”: “”,
“tool_version”: “”,
“inputs”: {
“library|type”: “single”,
“library|input_1”: {
“values”: [
“id”: “11ac94870d0bb33a134933e9419880e8”,
“hid”: 21,
“name”: “Caenorhabditisbriggsae_AD859-R01_good_1.fq”,
“tags”: ,
“src”: “hda”,
“keep”: false
“batch”: false
“library|unaligned_file”: “false”,
“library|aligned_file”: “false”,
“reference_genome|source”: “history”,
“reference_genome|own_file”: {
“values”: [
“id”: “11ac94870d0bb33ae87e4fc510d80ae4”,
“hid”: 3,
“name”: “WS220.64.fa”,
“tags”: ,
“src”: “hda”,
“keep”: false
“batch”: false
“rg|rg_selector”: “set”,
“rg|read_group_id_conditional|do_auto_name”: “false”,
“rg|read_group_id_conditional|ID”: “001”,
“rg|read_group_sm_conditional|do_auto_name”: “false”,
“rg|read_group_sm_conditional|SM”: “yq565”,
“rg|PL”: “ILLUMINA”,
“rg|read_group_lb_conditional|do_auto_name”: “false”,
“rg|read_group_lb_conditional|LB”: “”,
“rg|CN”: “”,
“rg|DS”: “”,
“rg|DT”: “”,
“rg|FO”: “”,
“rg|KS”: “”,
“rg|PG”: “”,
“rg|PI”: “”,
“rg|PU”: “”,
“analysis_type|analysis_type_selector”: “simple”,
“analysis_type|presets”: “no_presets”,
“sam_options|sam_options_selector”: “no”,
“save_mapping_stats”: “false”

Dear @dkbryant513,
There might be different reasons for that. Please try to run bowtie2 again on your datasets and maybe wait half an hour and tr again, to see if it is a server error.

If the error persists, then check if you data is correct, meaning, your input data might be corrupted or not in the correct format. Or an option in the tool is wrong.

Have a good weekeend and best wishes,

Ok. it work very well now. Thank you very much

On 6/11/2021 22:10,Florian Heyl via Galaxy Community wrote:

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