Data Manager for blastdb

We could not find a Data Manager to populate the Tool Data Tables “blastdb” and “blastdb_p”.

Is this something we must do manually? My guess is that we should add entries to


to identify where we have separately saved the relevant BLAST+ databases.
Is this correct?

Hi @hughesd

There were some complications with a top level Data Manager. Details if interested. → Data manager for the BLAST database *.loc files? · Issue #22 · peterjc/galaxy_blast · GitHub

The current “production” solution for an administrator is to create an index the usual way and add it to the Galaxy loc files.

For users, they can create an index in the history with the NCBI BLAST+ makeblastdb tool.

Or, if you want to try the version in the Test ToolShed, this is a direct link to one of them. You could use that as a baseline for something custom (along with Planemo to update it!)-> /view/blankenberg/data_manager_example_blastdb_ncbi_update_blastdb/c88d28377bd1 (this is referenced in the ticket above)

And finally, let’s make sure that I have the most current information by asking at the Admin Matrix chat. They can correct me, too! → You're invited to talk on Matrix

Hope this helps! :hammer_and_wrench: