I need to run GTDB-Tk 2.0.4 and this message appears regarding the database: “This version of GTDB-Tk requires GTDB version 207 or 214. Please contact your service administrator if this version is not available to select.”
Can this please be installed asap? Thanks!
Hi @Maria_Fernandes-Mar,
I also don’t see any indexes for this tool on any of the UseGalaxy servers. I’ve found a previous issue that was opened to resolve this problem here:
Please follow along here → MIssing indexes for gtdbtk_classify_wf at UseGalaxy servers · Issue #55 · galaxyproject/idc · GitHub
I will also reach out and try to contact an admin on the EU server and try to get the databases installed or get an answer as to why they are unavailable.
Thank you @tcollins2011! This is a really amazing database and classifier, and would be great if this issue is resolved soon.