Im trying to delete datasets but not working. I logged out, rebooted computer but still nothing… any advice?
Welcome @rpotens007
Are you working at a public Galaxy server? Which one (URL)?
Or, is this your own Galaxy server? If so, explain a bit more about where it was sourced, version, and any advanced configuration you have done.
I am on the public main server. Im running a large project and need to clear up disk space. I uploaded my files, ran QC, Cutadapt, and trying to run Tophat. I selected data sets I dont need and chose “permanently delete data sets” but they wont delete.
Ok, I am admin at the Galaxy Main server and admin here at Galaxy Help. You might just need to have your quota reset.
Is the email registered here at Galaxy Help the same as at Galaxy Main? If yes, that is enough information and just confirm that is true.
If not, send me a direct message here that includes the registered email address at Galaxy Main. You don’t need to post that publically, and you definitely don’t need to share your password (never share your password with anyone, ever, even in a direct message, no matter who they say they are). True admins won’t need it.
Yes the email is the same as main account.
Thanks for your help!
I recalculated disk usage and it is still pretty high: 232.5 GB
You are also using two accounts, which is a more immediate problem.
You should write in to immediately so that we can sort out your duplicated accounts before they are both picked up and deleted. Once that is resolved, we can figure out why you are unable to permanently delete data, privately via email.
This is what happens when duplicated accounts are monitored by a human (no data loss and consolidation is possible).
When duplicates are detected by automated processes, it usually results in full data loss, as noted in all account activation emails. Quote:
By clicking on the above link and opening a Galaxy account you are also confirming that you have read and agreed to Galaxy’s Terms and Conditions for use of this service ( This includes a quota limit of one account per user. Attempts to subvert this limit by creating multiple accounts or through any other method may result in termination of all associated accounts and data.
Let’s fix this, now and fast.
Ok, I contacted the link you sent to delete one of the accounts (admin-redacted).
Got it and resolved. We’ll followup about recovering/purging datasets via email as planned.
For others reading, if you are trying to recover disc space by permanently deleting data, these are the relevant FAQs:
- The account usage quota seems incorrect
- Checking for active vs deleted vs permanently deleted (purged) datasets and histories
Note: If a large amount of data is purged, it can take up to a day for the database to “catch up” and accurately reflect your quota. Or, you can try logging out then back in again. If that doesn’t work for some reason and are working at Galaxy Main, to have your account quota reset by an admin, do one of the following:
- Make an open post requesting a quota reset, including a reply to this thread, and confirm that your email here is the same as at the Galaxy Main server. If that is your case, it is enough info.
- Write to our admin team at from your registered account email address asking for a quota reset.
- Send me (@jennaj) a direct message here with your account email address asking for a quota reset. Only needed if the emails differ between the two sites.
Work smart and safe, whatever you decide. There is no need to share your email publically and never share your password(s) with anyone. I already included that info above and in other posts, but it really cannot be repeated enough – no one who can legitimately help you at online sites need your password – at Galaxy or anywhere else – ever. When using Galaxy, use built-in share functions to do collaborative work with other community members or in publications, blogs, tweets, etc as you wish to. Galaxy’s share links (histories, workflows, datasets) DO NOT reveal your email or password. For histories, you have control over whether to allow others to only “view” your work or to grant full data content access.
Hi Jen,
I have saved the data I need to my external hard drive and purged as much as could permanently. I am still getting a high quota and cannot delete the other files to free up space.
Hi Jen,
I have saved the data I need to my external hard drive and purged as much as could permanently. I am still getting a high quota and cannot delete the other files to free up space.
Replied via email.