Installing fastx_barcode_splitter_enhanced -- multiplexed reads, barcodes, tools

Hi, how can I install the following tool on galaxy, or request to have it installed?

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Hi @Kennedy_Leverett

That version of the tool wrapper hasn’t been updated since 2016.

And I can’t quite recall the details, but there was a reason why it wasn’t used originally at public Galaxy servers. It may have been that the dependencies were never updated to work in a containerized environment with all dependencies included (how jobs are submitted to a cluster) or possibly a security-related reason.

For any private Galaxy server (local, docker) that is not publically web-hosted, it may work Ok or may not. You would have to test that out.

This isn’t a great reply – but are the current options

@Kennedy_Leverett what is your use-case? I’m sure if we other tools that you could use instead.

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I’m trying to demultiplex 96 paired-end samples. I have 4 fastq.gz files, 1 with my forward reads, 1 with my reverse, 1 with my forward barcods, and 1 with my reverse barcodes.

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Hi @Kennedy_Leverett

I found this tool at It isn’t at and I’m not familiar with it but @bjoern.gruening likely is. Maybe review and see if it does what you need?

Je-Demultiplex demultiplexes fastq files (Galaxy Version 1.2.1)

Hi guys! Found another solution, thank you all for your replies!

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Glad you found a way forward, @Kennedy_Leverett

For others reading: try searching currently wrapped tools with a keyword like “multiplex” to find even more options. Some are part of application bundles designed for specific sequencing protocol/analysis. These may be available on public Galaxy servers and/or in the ToolShed for installation by admins of other deployment choices.