Problem with featureCounts tool

I have learned the Pre-processing of Single-Cell RNA Data and when I use the featureCounts tool, the options in this tool are not displayed like this tutorial.
For example, in the In “Advanced options” section, the Count multi-mapping reads / fragments option is not displayed for me, and I do not know how to select the other options.

I am not an expert, indeed a complete novice, but I believe if you execute the Galaxy training network WITHIN galaxy by clicking on the “graduation cap” icon and navigate to the tutorial, the exact version of the tools used will populate the tools bar on the left. This should allow you to determine which version they are using. You can load an older version if required that should correspond more closely to the tutorial and hopefully have the same options available.

Thank you for your answer
But in this way, I did not see the same version as the one in the tutorial