problemas herramientas

requiero usar la herramienta “group abundances of UniRef50” pero no la he logrado encontrar en ninguno de las plataformas de los diferentes paises.Es posible que se pueda reemplazar por otra herramienta? O donde la puedo encontrar. mcuhas gracias

Hello @Lauraalvarez

Try searching the tool panel with a keyword of the base tool to find options from the same tool group. Example keyword → HUMAnN.

You can also explore the tool panel directly by reviewing tool groups. Example group → Metagenomics.

This is likely the tool you are looking for: Regroup HUMAnN table features

Usage is covered in this tutorial step, and that tutorial includes a workflow template.

Please let us know if that is what you are looking for or not. I see the older tool version in our ToolShed, but I think it was updated to be this. I’m not sure of the other details. The GTN chat is the best place to reach the people who worked on this. Please find the link to the chat at the tutorial site linked above.

Hope this helps!